Friday, December 7, 2018

Extra Credit Flyer

Image result for winter coat

Deliver Coats to your local dorm hall.

Helping kids who have spent the whole first semester but are going home to the snowy north for winter break!!

Final Project Video

Mike Carson

If that video does not work here is the link to the video on youtube.

This video shows the trust people have in strangers as I wrote in my artist proposal. I got shot down by several people but with a little convincing these people trusted me enough the throw their phones.

Xerox Project

Mike Carson


This sequence of my photocopied hands are counting down from 5 to 1. However, the 1 is a thumbs up. It shows that from 5 to 2 there isn't any thing special until you get to number 1.

Artist Proposal

Mike Carson
Artist Proposal

1. The experiment I will be conducting will be to test peoples blind trust with something they care about very much. Their phone. The video will be a minute or two depending on how many participants I can get.

2. I plan to walk up to several different people on campus and ask for their phone, in which case I will try to convince them to trust me enough to throw it to me. This will test peoples trust in a stranger.

3. I will have someone take a video in the distance while I try to get the person to throw me his/her phone.

4.The main theme of my work is the idea of inherent trust in other humans. I believe that people were made to naturally trust other people and if I have done nothing to break these peoples trust then they will willing trust me to catch their phone.

5. I will conduct my attempts throughout the day at random spots on campus and they will be recorded by someone else on my iPhone.

6. I picked a very popular item (a phone) to portray the idea of trust so many people can relate to the feeling of throwing their phone.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Grid Art

My grid art project was inspired by the many sunsets I get to see down here in Tampa. I have a window in my room that has faced the sunsets so far this year. The image on the left was what I did as an outline with a grid art program online, the art on the left includes an ocean unlike the one on the right. The art on the right is the translation of the sunset. The hardest part about the grid art was obviously showing the transition of colors.


Monday, October 29, 2018

21st Century Technology

Mike Carson

A commonly used technology in the 21st century is the car. It is a general technology which has many forms. Cars, busses, truck, etc. The idea of the automobile has helped people and society as a whole. However, the car is not an idea that belongs only to this century, and it it not an idea that has stopped evolving either. The original concept of a car was supposedly a carriage with a once cylinder gasoline engine. This first ran in 1893. But there have been traces if the idea of a car back to the early 1800's and even earlier.  Although many things that influenced the car are not necessarily technologies, there were many factors that went in to this crucial invention. Webster's dictionary defines technology as the practical application of knowledge especially in a particular area. With that definition in mind, the way early humans used the idea of a wheel for things such as wheelbarrows and other utilities could be classified as technology. Later in civilization when people started to expand, such as the time of the manifest destiny, settlers used a horse and wagon. The horse and wagon was essentially the first sighting of the 'car'. A mobile that could transport humans and their materials over long distances faster and more efficiently than foot. The wagon would serve as the physical aspect of the car and the horse would theoretically be the engine. These early concepts are what contributed to the concept of the modern day car. The progression of the car and especially the technology within it has increased exponentially. Even today there are autonomous cars and that idea is increasing rapidly. To look at the evolution of technology for cars would insinuate that cars in the coming decades will be leaps and bounds more advanced than they are now. Looking at the current trends cars will be running on different forms of fuel. It is becoming more evident that gasoline is not the most efficient and safe fuel to use in cars. Cars have become electric now and maybe soon there will be another more efficient way to power a car. With the technology available today, the industry is moving towards an efficient, safe, and virtually harmless car. 

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Exquisite Corpse

This drawing shows that even with extremely limited information and guidlines 3 drawings can come together to make a coherent being.

Friday, September 14, 2018

Don Giovanni turned video game

Michael Carson

    Digital art is undeniably a form of art. Not necessarily the paintings and drawing people may be used to but it is art nonetheless. A video game could be seen as an extremely advanced work of digital art. Another example of art is an opera. Between the costumes and music and lighting and other forms of mise en scene, an opera works on many levels. Through the details these two forms of art may seem vastly different, but on a structural level they hold by the same ideas. Both contain characters with costumes, music, different settings and events. The one main structural difference is outcome and message. The opera can have one single outcome, a resolution, which can relay a specific message. However, a video game should have multiple tasks, or 'missions'. A way to turn Don Giovanni in to a video game would be to establish missions correlating to events throughout the opera. With Don Giovanni being the 'villain' per say, there could be a protagonist to try to stop him. Different missions could be the different acts of evil he commits. When his kills the Commendatore after trying to seduce Donna Anna, when he tries to seduce the several other women, when he beats up Masetto and steals from him, etc. The protagonist character could be played with Don Ottavio or Donna Elvira or some of the other characters on their side. These characters could be played with to help stop Don Giovanni in his acts of evil. There could be a mode in which you can play with Leporello and help overturn Don Giovanni before the end of the opera or game. There could even be a way to play with Don Giovanni himself and go through the opera commits acts as a villain. When playing as Don Giovanni there would be a way try to overcome the statue of the Commendatore at the end. Sort of the 'final level'. Playing as the protagonist, the purpose of the game would be to get vengeance. As the levels progress, there is more reason for vengeance therefore the level would become more difficult. The same idea would go for playing with Don Giovanni but opposite. Giovanni would be playing to strike evil to people, but as the levels progressed there would be more enemies who are seeking vengeance creating more difficult challenges.

Friday, September 7, 2018

Madama Butterly Reaction

Michel Carson

   In Madama Butterly, Pjotr Sapegin depicts a tragedy of a lonely woman on an island with only hope. However, her hope will come to an abrupt end which leaves her with nothing other than despair.

    Sapegin did a great job of depicting the emotion of the woman throughout the film as well as her connection with the people. After the man left, she continued to play music out of the record player she was given as well as wearing his hat. This indicates the closeness she feels towards him as they are separated. This closeness she feels even as he is gone displays the hope she feels that he will return and live a happy life with him. Additionally, when the baby is born, the woman keeps the umbilical cord attached. This represents the intimate feel she has with the child.

    When the man comes back and rips the umbilical cord, he is detaching the closeness between the mother and the child, as well as the relationship between the man and the woman. After having the only relationships she had ripped away from her with shame all at once she loses hope. She proceeds to kill herself by methodically ripping herself apart.

    The story of Madama Butterfly is a real tragedy.

Looking in to Person's Eyes

Michael Carson

    It is not often that you look directly in to somebody else's eyes for an extended period of time. When maintaining eye contact is is difficult to focus on anything else in the surrounding area. Even the facial features of the person you are looking at become blurred. Although being several feet apart, looking in to somebodies eyes makes you feel closer in distance to the person. The middle ground between the two people becomes almost non existent. The sounds of other talk and noises become undefined. I think it is easier to look in to someone's eyes who you don't know because there is not much to think about the person. When looking at someone you know there can be many thoughts and images of that person, but when you don't know the person there aren't many concluding thoughts, just questions.

Friday, August 31, 2018

Raul Cuero response post

Michael Carson
FMX 211

    Raul Cuero's perspective on the creativity of life was very open ended. He started off with very little opportunity but used his knowledge and the resources he had to become very smart and successful. It was inspiring to see and hear how his used his creativity and positive outlook on life to overcome the many obstacles that he faced while becoming a smart and established person.

    What I found most interesting about the video was his viewpoint on the process in relation to the actual journey and lesson. A lot of times the final outcome is the only thing people see as important. Cuero describes the parts of the process and each instrument in a symphony. Each instrument plays a very specific role in making an entire symphony and every instrument in important. This relates very as advice for college students. Classes aren't just waiting for the test and hoping for a good grade, one should focus on the process that gets them there because the steps are just as important, if not more important, than the final outcome.

    Another opinion Cuero had was the issues children this day in age face while trying to be creative in life. He compared it to kids being given a manual instead of attempting things for themselves. The manual is the final project, the steps to get there is the experience in creating. Getting the final project limits creativity. He suggested that kids should 'create their own manual' instead of simply using the final conclusion of someone else.

    Raul Cuero's mindset is very helpful when thinkingg about learning and creating. He focuses a lot on how one gets to the final step, rather than focusing just on what the final step is.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

My first feelings of this class is that it is laid back but will have a lot of creative opportunity. I'm Michael Carson and I am a freshman here at UT. I am from upstate New York and am majoring in finance. I played sports in High School but just play recreationally now. I would like to leave this class more knowledgable on art and the creative process of art.