Friday, December 7, 2018

Extra Credit Flyer

Image result for winter coat

Deliver Coats to your local dorm hall.

Helping kids who have spent the whole first semester but are going home to the snowy north for winter break!!

Final Project Video

Mike Carson

If that video does not work here is the link to the video on youtube.

This video shows the trust people have in strangers as I wrote in my artist proposal. I got shot down by several people but with a little convincing these people trusted me enough the throw their phones.

Xerox Project

Mike Carson


This sequence of my photocopied hands are counting down from 5 to 1. However, the 1 is a thumbs up. It shows that from 5 to 2 there isn't any thing special until you get to number 1.

Artist Proposal

Mike Carson
Artist Proposal

1. The experiment I will be conducting will be to test peoples blind trust with something they care about very much. Their phone. The video will be a minute or two depending on how many participants I can get.

2. I plan to walk up to several different people on campus and ask for their phone, in which case I will try to convince them to trust me enough to throw it to me. This will test peoples trust in a stranger.

3. I will have someone take a video in the distance while I try to get the person to throw me his/her phone.

4.The main theme of my work is the idea of inherent trust in other humans. I believe that people were made to naturally trust other people and if I have done nothing to break these peoples trust then they will willing trust me to catch their phone.

5. I will conduct my attempts throughout the day at random spots on campus and they will be recorded by someone else on my iPhone.

6. I picked a very popular item (a phone) to portray the idea of trust so many people can relate to the feeling of throwing their phone.